Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Finally Feeling At Home

After the last couple of months everything has worked out so well.  Unbelievably well actually.  Again I want to say a BIG thank you to everyone for your support and words of wisdom, it's great knowing that your all there.  As you know I found myself a new job, and started it about a week and a half ago now.  It has been fantastic!

I seriously cannot express just how lucky I feel to have been able to find such a great family to be part of while I continue my foreign experience here.  The family really feel like a family, and I feel a part of it.  I feel like I'm being an older sister to the two boy's, who I love looking after by the way, they are 61/2 yrs (Raphael) and 10 yrs (Nathan).  They're fun, I can interact with them, play games and they have amazing music taste (so there's been a few bonding sessions over the likes of U2 and Coldplay).  The parents are relaxed and great to talk to, they genuinely want to know how I am and make me feel comfortable in the home.  The home is comfortable to be in, I don't feel awkward, I felt like it was my home too as soon as I got here.  I have the freedom and money (when pay day comes round the corner) to do gain new experiences now.  To really enjoy my time here.  My work here is appreciated, and I feel needed for the work now, not just a spare part anymore, plus it doesn't feel like work, I want to help the family.  I really like them, and hope that things continue down this oh so rosy road I'm on right now.  I feel that it will.  I am so happy here!

The boy's school is next to the lake, with the mountains beyond that, could I have a more beautiful view to ponder over everyday?!  They go to an English school (as they were both born and grew up there, till a year or so ago).  They are French, but bilingual, it's incredible hearing them talk, switching from French to English in the middle of a sentence!  It's great for me, as I can actually talk to them, plus the older boy did help me a little with my homework the other day!  Haha!

This is a view from the boy's school........

I have a cat again!!  It feels more like home everyday!  Plus the cat is English, I feel that us English have to stick together, so she follows me around the house.


I am still continuing my French lesson's at the Greta (but no longer have to pay for them!!).  I do need to study harder though,  there are some New Year resolutions in the work already!

Some of my class mates..........

I had my first full weekend off!!!!!  Amazing feeling!  Lejla had an empty house up in the cold, dark mountain overlooking the most beautiful view.

The View......................

I couldn't stop myself from just taking a few minutes every time I was in her room to stick my head out the window and stare!  Especially gorgeous at night with the city below you and the stares above.

I stayed for the whole weekend, having the best girly weekend I have had since I've been here!  It was wet and cold outside, so we only vented out to get food and try to do something with our day once.  The best we did was a little stop at the CERN to take photographs.

A pretty cool looking building.............

 This has something to do with science?........

Hopefully I'll get to do an officially tour of the place and learn more about it before I leave!  I do know someone who works there, Shannon, another friend I need to share a photo of with you.

Whilst at Lejla's i noticed something that overjoyed me enough o make me squeal (which scared the life out of Lejla!).

Can you see it?.............

This is probably a game more for my mum and Helen, who will have seen THE BOOK (clue!!)  a lot at home.  Tim Walker baby!  I saw a copy of the hefty book, that I got a little while ago myself, about my favorite photographer Tim Walker!  I was so excited to see that someone else appreciates his work.  The book did come in handy to peruse through when there was a power cut for an hour in the middle of us watching a film.  It took a while to find any matches to light the few candles we could gather, but when we did I was able to share my love for Tim Walker with Lejla.


I am very very very excited about Christmas!!!  Even more excited to be going back home for two weeks for the celebrations!  It's my favorite time of year, so to be away from home right now does dampen my Christmas spirit a little.  My mum sent me a package to get me in the spirit of things though.

My first package to Switzerland........

An advent calender.............

Lovingly prepared with person gifts from my mum!  It's amazing!  The boy's thought so too, I've even shared my new supply of candy cane with them!  I got a little Christmas paper chain making kit for the first day, so I have Chritsmasfide my room, as well as making it feel like home with family photos and properly unpacking yesterday.

My cosy room...............

Life is fantastic!  It get's even better tomorrow too.  My mum, sister and niece are coming out to visit for a few days!  Which means I really ought to be getting some sleep so they don't think I'm dying out here when they see me.

Temps de sommeil pour moi!

P.S. I am officially up to date now!  Phew!


  1. So happy you are finally settled and happy with the weird experience behind you. Have fun with your Mum and Ashley and give them my love. Love you xx
