Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The All American Holiday

Happy (belated now) Thanksgiving!!!  I initially had no Thanksgiving plans for this sacred day that any American within earshot could be heard gushing about how great this holiday is.  Personally I wasn't bothered, I needed to experience the turkey fest for myself!

Every Thursday after French class a few of us get together for a little 'Art' class at Geneva Chapel.  It's just a good excuse to hang out, eat lunch together and have a good time with friends meeting new people.  When we got to the chapel it was rather quite, but a couple of missionaries let us in.  As we got the food (frozen pizza, yum!) ready to put in the over, we found that there we a few dishes already occupying the oven space!  Over the next half an hour all the missionaries from the zone arrived at the chapel with more food.  They were having a big Thanksgiving dinner together.  We all chat to each other as were doing things in the kitchen, they know were having our art class in the next room, so pop in and out of there too at times.  One of the missionaries from Geneva Ward came to tell us that we just HAD to have some of the stuffing he made (apparently it's the elders in this zone that do all the cooking!).  We couldn't interrupt THE missionary dinner, but he comes back to us with plates and forks in hand, so how could we then refuse?!

We crashed the Missionary Thanksgiving!................

We felt just a little embarrassed walking into the room full of such well dressed people. After we have help ourselves to the plentiful supply of food (real turkey and pumpkin pie of course!) we turn around to find that some of the elders have even added another table to the long row, and set us places so we could join them!

And boy were we thankful..................

Elisabeth and Daniel nicely filled..................

The board of thanks (mines the top one)......

I had the rest of the whole day off!!!!  Mwahahaha!!!  Once we felt we had crashed the missionary feast for long enough I was off with Caitlin on her school run to while away the time till institute.  I do have to say that we did leave the missionary's with our pizza before we left them!

Photo of the day on a drive by.........

I've said before that Caitlin's host family are great and that the parents travel a lot.  Well this week the mum had just got back from India.  She had had an incredible trip, meeting the Dalai Lama's Grand Daughter of all people.  Caitlin and I were admiring all her spoil's form the trip, as she gave presents to the kids, everything was so vibrant in colour.  Caitlin got a few things too, she is going to have a collection of wonders from all sorts of places by the time she goes home.  Then Linda (the mum) gives me a gift of Silk bracelets!  She's so nice!!!  I gave one to Caitlin so we now have matching ones!


After institute that night Elisabeth had arranged a pot luck Thanksgiving dinner.  The pie was delicious!!!!  The poster of thanks was lacking some thanks, so we gave a lot!

Thank you for...................

A reason to give thanks.............

I walk past this bike with it's twisted wheel every time I go to institue, finally got a model to pose for me on it.

Sur mon velo..........................

I have to say I am converted to the All American Holiday!  I'm thankful for that!  It was a great day spent with some amazing friends that I have had the opportunity to make whilst I've been here.  Loving life!!!

Rendons Grace!

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