Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Friday Night Antics

Last Friday night I finally got out of the house (I am progressively socializing more each week after the holiday lull).  Taylor (a Canadian friend from French class) and I went to the cinema and wondered the streets.  Sounds like a pretty normal Friday night, right?  Oh no no no!  This particular Friday night wasn't any mundane outing to be blurred in with every other Friday night and forgotten about.  That night put us firmly in the history books.  In years to come I will be able to say, 'YES!  I was part of that!'.

We saw 'Titanic 3D'!!!  Hahaha!!!  Pretty epic!  Having been able to adorn my gorgeous 3D specs I can say that it felt like Leo's face was within my reach.  I couldn't resit going to see 'Titanic' on the big screen, especially as it's the anniversary of the unsinkable ship sinking.  We enjoyed the three hours of beautiful story telling.

On a more series note we 'wondered the streets' because we had some posters to 'Cover the Night' with for the campaign KONY2012.  Now I know a bunch of you will have just rolled your eyes...don't roll your eyes, because it is for a good cause.  I didn't just jump on the back of the band-wagon with everyone else, that's not me.  Oh, and if you don't know what KONY2012 is then check out this

Chelsea sent me a message over a month or so ago now, and told me I had to watch this video she had sent.  It was the short film posted on YouTube (watched by millions of people) by Invisible Children to launch the KONY2012 campaign, not something I would have responded to usually....but I trust Chelsea's insight.  It is to make Joesph Kony famous so that the people's vice can be heard to get governments to join together to set out plans to capture him by the end of put a stop the LRA and the violence that they are causing.  I have done a lot of research about the people behind the campaign (The Invisible Children), what they are trying to achieve and why.  I feel it's a good cause and a way to show that the world can come together to stand up for something good.

Taylor and I got our posters and stickers together to join the millions of people who want to make Kony famous.  So we did 'cover the night' in Switzerland and France on 20th April....and we felt like the only ones!!!  haha!!!  The lack of other people in the streets didn't stop us though!  It was so quite, we felt a bit on edge.   I kept frightening Taylor by shouting 'POLICE...RUN!', every time I saw a car in the distance.  We did nothing illegal...we think.

Getting the first one stuck in the cinema car park......

Ferney Voltaire be ready to get Konyed......

I promise we didn't rip off the presidents face.....

mmmm...Yes...I did this.......

 We found a fellow 'Cover the Night' friend............

It was a good night!  We had a fun night running around Ferney Voltaire at 1am.  I feel pretty satisfied to have done my bit too and see how things progress.  Titanic was amazing as always too!  Must not forget that!

After a little cinema trip again yesterday to see 'Snow White' (which was extremely cringe worthy) with Chelsea and Alison, I've figured out that I am pretty busy every weekend for the next month.

So bring it on!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Mamco Gallery

My English travels have now ended.  I am back in Geneva till June's next excursion home.  I was not ready to leave home this time, coming back was hard to do.  I hadn't had enough time to spend with my family whilst I was home over Easter.  In three and half months I will differently be ready to be returning home.  Yes, I only have three and half months left!  It's crazy!  There's a bunch of stuff that I would still like to do and see while I am here.

This week was still the school holiday's for the boy's.  Lucky for me though I only had one to look after The younger one (Raphael, who I have to say I do prefer...there not my kids, I can have favorites!), because the other one was visiting a friend in England.  We hung out and did a few random things to pass the time.  We went to the cinema one day and watched 'Le Tableau', a French cartoon about a painting with unfinished people in it who wish to be finished.  It was in French (obviously) but I understood most of it (it was for kids after all), and I liked it, it was an interesting idea for a film.

Another day we went to a Modern Art Gallery in Geneva called the Mamco.  It was a really good gallery, full of ideas and work that made you think.

Some photo's to give you a feel for the place.....

My favorite piece...........

My incredibly lazy weekend is now coming to an end.  It's back to work as normal starting tomorrow.


An Afternoon in Annecy

It's been a great week so far, just as I said I thought it would be!

I had a mission to get a present for my sister (Ashley), before going home to my beloved England for her birthday weekend this evening. It's her BIG 30! I knew what I wanted to get, but just hadn't had the chance yet to get to Annecy to get it. Lucky for me though Chelsea was able to come with me last Tuesday afternoon to fulfill my mission!

As we drive to Annecy the sun came out......

 Bridge of love.................

The usual stop for crepes........


A painters work room.....................

Chelsea and me..........................

I got what I went for, and a little bit more!  Haha!  It was really nice to go somewhere different for an afternoon between work.

I was actually supposed to post this a few weeks ago now...but better late than never I say!