Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Final Snowy Countdown


For the last couple of weeks I have been in Les Gets, France.  It is a ski resort in the Alps about an hour from where I live in Geneva.  Here's a little fun fact for ya...Bradly Wiggins does cycle training in the area!  Wahey!  Again, my brother can hang his head while I cheer for myself getting to walk down the same road as Wiggo!  Mwahahaha!

My host family ski in Les Gets every weekend, so when the February half-term got close they decided to book a flat last minute for the week.  I had the week off, so I had two choice's.  I could pay to fly home for the week, which I would love, but I'll be back there very soon anyway.  That left me with hanging around the house in Geneva by myself while my friends are all working.  So I asked if I could tag along to Les Gets where I could wrap up warm, bask in the beautiful sight of snow and take it easy for the week.

No I was not going to ski like everyone else on the planet would.  My host family were skiing every single day!  I do not ski!  I just can't, don't, won't ski!  I have in the past.  There are plenty of skiing lessons and skiing holidays to prove that I have tried.  It is not for me.  The more I watched all the skiers on the slopes each day for the past week, the more confused I become about skiing.  Why do people want to constantly repeat the cycle of taking a lift up a mountain side to slide down it on flat sticks?  Their face gets whipped by the freezing air.  They ache all over at the end of the day.  They always have the possibility of getting taken out by all the other people doing the same thing within a couple of feet of themselves too!?

I had a lovely week though.  Ticked things off my 'to-do' list.  Read books, Watched films, listened to music, wrote letters walked in the snow and baked delicious cookies!  I curled up in cosey jumpers and blankets next to a fire watching the beautiful snow fall outside.  There was a LOT of snow to watch fall!

There was over two meters of the snow!  At the start of the week records showed that there hadn't been that much snow in Les Gets for at least 30 years.  There was a lot more than that after it snowed constantly for the next three days though.  So so so so so much snow!  I was loving it!  I have never seen so much of the beautiful white, pearly, sparkling stuff in my life!  It was great to spend a week in that winter wonderland of Narnia!  I won't forget it.  I did come back to a snow clad Geneva too, but that is winter in Switzerland for you.

I only have TWO WEEKS left in Switzerland!!!


They will be a filled with lots of busy beeness to keep myself busy busy busy.  It's back to work, but with a some treats here and there (a few of which have been provided by sister and family in the form of two boxes stuffed with goodies that I found in the post box yesterday).

My good friend from England, Miss Eleanor Jest (the brilliantly wonderful girl that she is) is flying over on Friday for a few days.  I shall be giving her the grand tour of my area of Switzerland.  The day after she leaves the new Au Pair, Toni, shall be arriving from South Africa!  Yes a new Au Pair has been found!  Yay!  I helped, and I am very happy to say that she seems pretty great, and will fit in with my amazing host family very well.  Toni and I will do a little swap over for a few days to help her get into the swing of things here.  The day after Toni arrives My Dad and Brother-in -law will be in the area skiing for a few days (skiing...weirdo's!).  I'll have a final day out in Switzerland on the Saturday and then be packed up (with everything I have accumulated whilst being here, that's a lot of stuff it would seen) in my Dad's car driving across France Sunday Evening.

I will be back again to tell a few story's before the end of this little Au Pairing adventure happens.

So for now...Bon Nuit!

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