Sunday, September 11, 2011

It really is all about the weekend

This week has been pretty uneventful!! But ill give you all the boring details anyway as promised!

I got a new mobile phone!! I needed something so that people can get hold of me out here, and for me to make contact with THE FRENCH! Hold the excitement's a classic old school Nokia! A couple of upgrades from the amazing 3310 that lasted for years, but a big fat down grade from the i-phone. I basically went to the supermarket on Monday and bought the cheapest phone they had on pay as you go....classy huh!

Something that was classy this week was going to a sushi restaurant for lunch on Tuesday! Some people may know that i have this list of 100 things to do before I'm 30. At No.42 is 'eat sushi in a sushi restaurant'. I was absolutely THRILLED when Aurellie suggested that we go to this little sushi place in Ferney Voltaire for lunch (after a dragged out morning of waiting at the doctors for the babies check ups). I am very happy to say that the food was delicious!!!!!

I really do loooooove sushi..........

However the next day i woke up at 5am with a headache that made my head spin and needing to puke!!! i wont hold back from the gory details of it all!! Ever had that need to be sick, and know that if you could just puke then you would feel better? Well for about 6 hours i was lying on the cold bathroom floor knowing that all would fine if i could just puke. Eventually after no sign of the sushi resurfacing i moved back to the bed. For the rest of that day and the following i took a ton of drugs and drank my weight in sparkling water and herbal tea. It better have not been the sushi that made me feel that way...because i am not giving up my love for the raw fish just yet.

The rest of the week was pretty mundane. The sun has been scorching! I hide in the house as soon as the temperature creeps above 23 degrees. Can you believe that i am already reading my 6th book since i got here!? I read to the babies to chill them out. It usually makes them fall asleep, which is great! Plus i do love reading so it's a win win situation for me, haha! I have also been doing some uni research this week. I know I'm supposed to be getting away from all that while I'm here, but i figured i needed to get prepared. I have ordered about 50 uni prospectuses from Aberdeen to Brighton. When i get home at Christmas I'll have to sift through them all and decide if that is the road to go down.

I signed up to the Greta school of language in Ferney Voltaire to do a year long course in French language, which does petrify me just a bit!! I was terrible at school, and tomorrow i have to go in for a test to see just how bad i am so they can assign me to a class of my level. The very bottom level!

Onto the weekend!!! It was far more interesting because of this riding through town......

A mini Tour De France, right? haha! A riding tour of the town Gex actually, and it's surrounding areas. It happens every year i think. All the local teams (team cars and photographers on motor bikes too, like the tour) ride around Gex, for two days it would seem as they went past the house this afternoon again. The start line is down the road. I could hear the commentators talking on their speaker phones from the house...really really close!

The rambling start......

I was in the back garden with the girls and Aurelie when the first load of sponsor cars passed by, throwing gifts to the girls as they did. We hung around watching the riders do practice runs of the course, i guess, whilst picking tomatoes in the garden.

They literally rode past the back of the house......

Yet again going to church was great this week!! I think i must just get ridiculously excited to leave the house by Sunday, without the kids in tow. It would explain the Sunday high i have! The ward just gets nicer and nicer! The lovely lady from last week was able to translate Relief Society for me today. Which meant i didn't have that weary feeling already by the time YSA Sunday school came around. However...i did after that second hour! I thought i was going to have to awkwardly sit by myself in Sacrament when a lady in front of me turned around to ask if i was English as she had noticed that somebody had been translating to me in Relief Society. She preceded to tell me that her husband didn't speak french so did i want to sit with them so she could translate to us both? Heck yes!!!! So she kicked her 'first week back RM' brother off his chair for me to take his place. Later we chatted and i learned that Lucy (that's her name) and her husband and just moved here this week from England. No they are not English. Her family are all in the Gex ward, she is half French and half Switzerlandish (i have no idea what the real name is for know what i mean though). She moved to England 8 years ago to learn English, and loved it so much she just didn't move back home. her husband is from South Africa. He did the same thing as her, moving to England, brushing up on the English, loved it so stayed, got converted to the church while he was there (yes i did get their whoooole back ground story...they could speak a language that i understood, so i stuck with them!). They met at the classic Britannia Ward in London and got married last year. As you can tell from all the detail i am giving you i am very excited to have some more new friends to talk to each week! She'll even translate for me again next week!

After church their was a big much and mingle, i guess you would call it. This meant that i had the awkward 'sit down at the YSA table to say hi to everyone moment, followed by me eating in silence as they all have a good chat. In French.'. okay so it wasn't that bad really! A couple of the girls said hi to me and then Lucy saved me by coming over to eat at the same table. I got a lift home with one of the family's I mentioned last week. They are Italian, apparently i will also be learning that language too while I'm here!


P.S. I shall let you know how the 'French test' goes! will be abismel!


  1. So fun to hear about all your life's events.....and to see all the pictures of the beautiful place you are in. Glad to hear you have joined the ranks of those of us who are lovers of Sushi - I would be happy to eat that and nothing else for the rest of my days..... Take care - Luv you - Daryll x

  2. thanx daryll! hope everything is well with you. i am looking forward to another sushi trip soon!! it may become my new little haunt while i am here. x
