Thursday, February 9, 2012

Link me up!

This evening for the first time since I have been here I went to a 'Link - The Au Pair Connection' evening.  It's about time right?!  Your probably wondering what that even is!  Haha!  So to explain in brief an American couple who live in the Geneva area have saw years ago that there was a large community of Au Pair's in the area with no support system.  Young girls (and the odd boy) are in a foreign country with no family and not many ways to make new friends, it can be hard.

This couple created 'Link - The Au Pair Connection'.  It's basically a freely run organization that provides support for Au Paris in the area.  It's great actually.  the couple are always available to talk and answer questions.  The man, Paul, is a Councillor so offers free sessions and the women, Becky will happily meet up with you for a drink to help you with anything.  They run a Sunday school type group every week and and an activity every two weeks, along with weekend activities too.  The Thursday activities vary from different culture nights run by fellow Au Pairs to a night celebrating a holiday (this evening one being on a Valentines theme).  The weekend activities can be an overnight visit to a city, ski trip or (like the one I just singed up for in March) a film festival weekend.  Everything is organized for you, lodging, food and travel, you just pay a small fee.

Tonight's activity being about valentines was all gooey at times!  Haha!  We ate chocolate, talked about what we would like in a guy and what we need to be and all that!  We even had to get into groups and write a little poem including certain words.  I am rather proud to day that I did contrute the thrid and forth line on the very well applauded poem below.

Labels and all................

Bon nuit!!!

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